DPC Newsletter

Spotlight on Student Research Experiences

Volume 8, Issue 3

December 2023

UAF BLaST sends trainees to conferences and research events

By Amy Topkok

The Biomedical Learning and Student Training (BLaST) program at University of Alaska Fairbanks supports students in many ways by being able to support their travel to multiple conferences and events that contribute to their academic journey on becoming a researcher. 

Read more about the students and their experiences below.

Whalefest 2023

Sitka, Alaska, is the location of Whalefest, a celebrated annual event surrounding marine mammals and the many types of research conducted in Alaska and beyond. Often held in the first days of November, this year's event was held Nov. 3 to 5.  

The BLaST program sent five Scholars to learn more about the organizations, research teams and opportunities. The Scholars who attended were Sable Scotton, Rhyane Loggins, Julie-Anne Brown, Lucy White and Michael Martins.

Brown said Whalefest was “an absolute blast,” and that she enjoyed every aspect of it, from the vendors selling unique items perfect for Christmas gifts, to the seminars and other activities. 

“The seminars were engaging and on interesting topics, some of which I never would have thought of. Exploring gorgeous Sitka as a community was the best adventure of all and the little shops were adorable to visit,” Brown said.

“I am extremely grateful I was able to attend Whalefest as an undergraduate senior and plan to try to come back with grad students in following years. Thank you, Whalefest!"

BLaST Scholar Julie-Anne Brown enjoying Sitka, Alaska, during her visit to Whalefest 2023. Photo Credit: J. A. Brown, 2023.

BLaST Scholar Julie-Anne Brown enjoying Sitka, Alaska, during her visit to Whalefest 2023. Photo Credit: J. A. Brown, 2023.

UAF RAMP staff member Nikola Nikolic poses for a photo at the 2023 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students.

UAF RAMP staff member Nikola Nikolic poses for a photo at the 2023 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students.

Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students 2023

BLaST Scholar Steven Bob Smith and BLaST Research Advising and Mentoring Professional (RAMP) staff Nikola Nikolic attended the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) held Nov. 15 to 18 in Phoenix, Arizona.

“Bob and I have learned so much during our time here. Some of the topics were very informative and during those sessions, some impactful advice was given,” Nikolic said.

Nikolic attended workshops about how to write a publishable research paper, provide more culturally competent mentorship, submit different types of grant applications to the NIH and NSF, promote diversity in research and work environment, and set goals through effective time management.

“I listened to numerous keynote speakers who are trailblazers in their fields. The main themes throughout these discussions revolved around ideas that we need to break down silos, engage in collaboration, create comprehensive mentoring networks, promote the furthering of good science, pursue fields that bring us joy, and simply go for it!” Nikolic said.

“All of the speakers embody ABRCMS' mission and values. It's truly an incredible opportunity to be a part of these discussions and learn from experts.”

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BUILD EXITO Scholars attend 50th annual SACNAS Conference, faculty hosts post-event mixer

By Arjun Viray

Twenty-seven scholars from the Portland State University (PSU) BUILD EXITO program attended the 50th annual SACNAS conference in Portland, Oregon, from Oct. 26 to 28. Attendees included 20 scholars from BUILD EXITO cohort 7 and seven Scholars from the U-RISE program.

From left to right: BUILD EXITO Cohort 7 scholars, Connie Tran, Keria Moritsugu-Vandehey, and Lou Ann Connor.

From left to right: BUILD EXITO cohort 7 Scholars, Connie Tran, Keria Moritsugu-Vandehey, and Lou Ann Connor.

To help students prepare for this prestigious conference, 29 students from BUILD EXITO and other PSU programs attended “Prepare for SACNAS,” a workshop facilitated by Shandee Dixon, PhD, the BUILD EXITO Research Learning Community coordinator, and Cassandra Ramirez, the BUILD EXITO program coordinator. 

Connie Tran, a cohort 7 Scholar majoring in biology with minors in psychology and neuroscience, said the workshop helped her better prepare for what to expect at SACNAS and to plan ahead about what parts of the conference she might want to attend. She said the workshop also provided helpful networking tips. 

When asked about her experience at SACNAS, Tran said her overall impression was positive, despite having feelings of imposter syndrome before she arrived, because this would be her first scientific conference.

“As I walked into the convention center, I immediately felt like I belonged there, where there were so many people coming from the same backgrounds and identities as me,” said Tran, who is also on the pre-medicine track and in the University Honors College at PSU.

“This is one of the very few times where I felt like I could combine two things: my identities and my love for STEM. I am so thankful for SACNAS for making such a welcoming space to so many.”

Becky Martinez, a U-RISE cohort 2 Scholar majoring in psychology with a minor in neuroscience, also attended SACNAS.

“It was a great opportunity to connect with other Latinx and Indigenous researchers, and learn about other people’s journeys in science,” she said. “It felt heartening to be surrounded by other Brown scientists.”

PSU hosts mixer on last day of SACNAS

On the last day of the SACNAS conference in October, the newly formed SACNAS student chapter at Portland State University hosted a mixer event, bringing together around 120 people. 

Shandee Dixon, PhD, the BUILD EXITO Research Learning Community coordinator, played a key role in coordinating and supporting the Oct. 28 event that brought together students from SACNAS chapters at Portland State University, Oregon Health and Science Institution, Oregon State University, and University of Oregon.

SACNAS student chapter board members from Portland State University, Oregon Health and Science Institution, Oregon State University, and University of Oregon attend the SACNAS mixer event at the PSU Native American Student and Community Center.

SACNAS student chapter board members from Portland State University, Oregon Health and Science Institution, Oregon State University, and University of Oregon attend the SACNAS mixer event at the PSU Native American Student and Community Center.

PSU SACNAS chapter co-presidents, Alexandria Bills and Pascal Caraccioli and BUILD EXITO RLC Coordinator, Shandee Dixon presenting at the SACNAS Mixer.

PSU SACNAS chapter co-presidents Alexandria Bills and Pascal Caraccioli and BUILD EXITO RLC Coordinator Shandee Dixon presenting at the SACNAS Mixer.

The mixer provided a unique opportunity for students across universities and from various disciplines to network and build community in a welcoming and inclusive setting. There were also exciting activities and a delicious meal for attendees.

“My time at the PSU SACNAS mixer was very meaningful, as I got to meet people from different universities—OHSU, PSU, and OSU,” said Connie Tran, a cohort 7 PSU BUILD EXITO scholar who attended the event.

“It was great to hear what everyone was doing in their current paths to STEM, as well as the amazing support everyone had for each other.”

BUILDing SCHOLARS program directors receive UTEP President’s Meritorious Service Award

By John Garza

BUILDing SCHOLARS Principal Investigators (PI) and Directors, Lourdes E. Echegoyen, PhD, and Marc Cox, PhD, are proud recipients of the President’s Meritorious Service Award, which they received from President Heather Wilson on Aug. 25 during the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Convocation. The award is a recognition of outstanding service to the university’s mission and community.

Echegoyen was nominated by Laura O’Dell, PhD, a professor of psychology, the Associate Vice President for Research, and a long-time BUILD trainee mentor.

O’Dell praised Echegoyen’s commitment to undergraduate students through the creation and growth of research and mentorship programs, as well as her pursuit of institutional collaboration and general leadership.

Upon learning of the award, Echegoyen graciously thanked her colleagues.

“I could not have gotten this award without my amazing staff and collaborators in multiple projects,” she said. 

BUILDing SCHOLARS principal investigators Lourdes Echegoyen, PhD, and Marc Cox, PhD, receive meritorious service awards

BUILDing SCHOLARS principal investigators Lourdes Echegoyen, PhD, and Marc Cox, PhD, receive meritorious service awards.

Cox, who has also served as a BUILD mentor in addition to his contribution as PI, was nominated by Echegoyen. She wrote of his transcendent vision and mentorship for fellow faculty, to lead them in growing their research programs with extramural funding and improved institutional processes to streamline professional development.

Echegoyen also praised Cox's leadership of his own research team of internal faculty, collaborators, and undergraduate and graduate students.

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